LPG Repairs & Service


Address 81 Victoria Street, Smithfield, NSW 2164
Opening Hours Mon - Fri: 7am - 5:30pm

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    LPG Repairs & Service

    If you’re looking for reliable local LPG service and repairs, look no further than David’s Mechanical Repairs. With years of experience in the industry, we have built a solid reputation for providing LPG service and repairs for our customers.

    LPG is an important source of fuel for many vehicles, and it’s crucial to ensure that it’s running smoothly and efficiently. David’s Mechanical Repairs has the expertise and knowledge to handle any repair or service related to LPG, no matter how big or small.

    Whether you need a routine LPG service or a major repair, you can trust David’s Mechanical Repairs to get the job done right. We use only the best quality parts and equipment, and our team of skilled technicians are dedicated to providing the highest level of service possible.

    So if you’re looking for reliable and trustworthy LPG service and repairs near you, be sure to contact David’s Mechanical Repairs today to book an appointment. You won’t be disappointed!

    There are several signs that you are due for LPG service or repair, these can include the following:

    • Leaks: Leaks are one of the most common issues with LPG systems
    • Fuel system issues: Problems with the fuel system, including clogged filters, damaged injectors, or improper fuel mapping
    • Electrical issues: Electrical issues, including faulty sensors, damaged wiring, or malfunctioning components
    • Poor performance: If your vehicle or equipment is not running as smoothly or powerfully as it should be

    book your LPG Service & Repair today

    David's Mechanical Repairs are your trusted local LPG service and repair specialist

    Call (02) 9729 1477

    What effect does LPG have on economy and power?

    LPG, or liquefied petroleum gas, can have a significant effect on both the economy and power in Sydney. On one hand, using LPG as a fuel source can often result in cost savings compared to traditional gasoline or diesel. This is because LPG is typically less expensive than these other fuels, and can also result in improved fuel efficiency. On the other hand, LPG can also impact the power of a vehicle or other equipment that uses it as a fuel source. While LPG can provide similar power output to gasoline or diesel, it may require modifications to the engine or other components in order to work effectively. Overall, the impact of LPG on the economy and power in Sydney will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific use case and the availability of LPG in the area.

    Should I choose LPG only or dual-fuel?

    The choice between LPG only and dual-fuel largely depends on your specific needs and preferences. LPG only vehicles or equipment can often provide cost savings and improved fuel efficiency, but may require modifications to the engine or other components in order to work effectively. Dual-fuel vehicles or equipment, on the other hand, can run on either LPG or gasoline/diesel, providing greater flexibility and range. However, they may be more expensive to purchase and maintain than LPG-only options. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on factors such as the specific use case, the availability of LPG in your area, and your budget. It may be helpful to research and compare the costs and benefits of each option before making a decision.

    Do engines with E.F.I systems operate efficiently on LPG?

    Engines with electronic fuel injection (EFI) systems can operate efficiently on LPG, but may require modifications to the system in order to work effectively. EFI systems are designed to work with gasoline or diesel fuel, which have different properties than LPG. As a result, an EFI system may need to be adjusted or reprogrammed in order to provide optimal performance with LPG. This may involve changing the fuel mapping or adjusting other components of the system. However, once these modifications are made, an EFI system can provide efficient and reliable performance with LPG. It is important to note that not all EFI systems are compatible with LPG, so it may be necessary to consult with a professional mechanic or LPG conversion specialist to determine whether your specific system can be modified for use with LPG.

    Can LPG have an effect on engine wear?

    LPG, or liquefied petroleum gas, can have both positive and negative effects on engine wear. On one hand, LPG is a cleaner-burning fuel than gasoline or diesel, which can result in reduced engine wear over time. This is because LPG produces fewer harmful emissions and deposits in the engine, which can help to reduce wear on components such as spark plugs, valves, and pistons. On the other hand, LPG can also impact engine wear if it is not used properly or if the engine is not designed to run on LPG. For example, running an engine on LPG without proper modifications or adjustments may result in increased wear on components such as the fuel system, valves, and cylinder head. Additionally, LPG can be more corrosive than gasoline or diesel, which can also contribute to increased engine wear over time. Overall, the impact of LPG on engine wear will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific use case, the condition of the engine, and the maintenance and modifications made to the engine to accommodate LPG.

    Can my local garage still service my car after conversion?

    In most cases, your local garage should still be able to service your car after it has been converted to run on LPG. However, it is important to ensure that your garage is experienced and qualified to work on LPG vehicles and has the necessary equipment and expertise to diagnose and repair any issues that may arise. This may require additional training or certifications beyond those required for traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles. It may be helpful to research local garages that specialize in LPG conversions or have experience working on LPG vehicles to ensure that you are getting the best possible service. Additionally, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and service of your LPG system to ensure optimal performance and safety. At David’s Mechanical Repairs, we offer comprehensive service and repair options for LPG vehicles, so you can rest assured that your converted vehicle is in good hands.

    Is LPG gas conversion right for me?

    Whether LPG is right for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your specific needs and preferences. LPG can offer several benefits, including cost savings compared to traditional petrol or diesel, improved fuel efficiency, and reduced emissions. However, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider, such as the need for modifications to the engine or other components, the availability of LPG in your area, and the potential impact on engine wear and performance.

    If you are considering LPG as an alternative fuel source, it may be helpful to consult with a qualified mechanic or LPG conversion specialist for professional advice and guidance. At David’s Mechanical Repairs, our experienced team can help you determine whether LPG is a viable option for your specific needs, as well as provide comprehensive conversion, maintenance, and repair services to ensure that your vehicle or equipment runs smoothly and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our LPG services and how we can help you make an informed decision about whether LPG is right for you.

    Signs you need a LPG service

    Reduced performance: If you notice that your vehicle or equipment is not running as smoothly or powerfully as it should be, it may be a sign that your LPG system is due for a service. Reduced performance can be caused by a variety of factors, including worn or damaged components, clogged filters, or improper fuel mapping.

    Decreased fuel efficiency: If you are noticing that your vehicle or equipment is using more fuel than usual, it may be a sign that your LPG system is not operating efficiently. This can be caused by a number of factors, including worn or improperly adjusted components, leaky hoses or connections, or other issues.

    Strange noises or smells: If you notice any unusual noises or smells coming from your vehicle or equipment, it may be a sign of a problem with your LPG system. This could include hissing or popping noises, or the smell of gas.

    Check engine light: If your check engine light comes on, it may be a sign that there is a problem with your LPG system. This could be due to a variety of issues, including faulty sensors, damaged components, or other problems.

    If you are experiencing any of these signs, it may be time to get your LPG system serviced by a qualified mechanic or LPG conversion specialist. Regular servicing can help to ensure that your system is operating safely and efficiently, and can help to prevent more costly repairs down the line.

    What does an LPG conversion involve?

    An LPG conversion typically involves several key steps, including:

    Assessment: The first step in an LPG conversion is to assess whether your vehicle or equipment is suitable for conversion. This may involve checking the condition of the engine, fuel system, and other components to ensure that they can handle LPG.

    Installation of LPG system: Once it has been determined that your vehicle or equipment is suitable for conversion, the next step is to install the LPG system. This may involve adding a fuel tank, fuel lines, and other components to allow for the safe and efficient use of LPG.

    Wiring and electronics: In order to ensure proper integration with your vehicle or equipment’s existing systems, the LPG conversion may also involve wiring and electronics work to modify the engine control unit (ECU) and other components.

    Testing and tuning: Once the LPG system has been installed and wired, it will need to be tested and tuned to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. This may involve adjustments to the fuel mapping, timing, and other components to ensure that the engine runs smoothly and efficiently on LPG.

    Certification: Depending on the regulations in your area, your LPG conversion may also need to be certified by a qualified mechanic or LPG conversion specialist. This may involve inspections and testing to ensure that the system is safe and compliant with local regulations.

    Overall, an LPG conversion can be a complex process that requires specialized knowledge and expertise. It is important to work with a qualified mechanic or LPG conversion specialist to ensure that your conversion is done safely and effectively.

    How much does LPG conversion cost Sydney?

    The cost of an LPG conversion in Sydney can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the make and model of your vehicle or equipment, the specific components and modifications required for the conversion, and the level of expertise and experience of the conversion specialist.

    As a general guideline, the cost of an LPG conversion for a typical passenger vehicle in Sydney can range from $2,500 to $4,000. This cost may include the installation of an LPG fuel tank, fuel lines, and other components, as well as wiring and electronics work to modify the engine control unit (ECU) and other components.

    It is important to note that the cost of an LPG conversion may be higher for larger or more complex vehicles or equipment, such as buses, trucks, or heavy machinery. Additionally, the cost of ongoing maintenance and repairs should also be factored into your budget when considering an LPG conversion.

    If you are considering an LPG conversion in Sydney, it is important to do your research and compare pricing and services from different conversion specialists. It may also be helpful to consult with one of our LPG conversion specialist from David’s Mechanical Repairs to determine the feasibility of converting your vehicle or equipment to run on LPG, as well as the potential costs and benefits of doing so.

    If you are searching for LPG service or repair near you

    If you’re searching for LPG service or repair near you, you may want to consider contacting the team at David’s Mechanical Repairs. There are several reasons why you should choose David’s Mechanical Repairs for your LPG service or repair needs:

    Experience: Our team of qualified mechanics and LPG conversion specialists has years of experience working with LPG systems, and can provide expert advice, service, and repairs to ensure that your vehicle or equipment is running safely and efficiently.

    Comprehensive services: We offer a wide range of LPG services, including conversions, repairs, and maintenance, as well as comprehensive servicing and tuning to ensure optimal performance.

    Quality parts: We use only high-quality parts and components in our LPG conversions and repairs, ensuring that your vehicle or equipment is built to last.

    Customer service: At David’s Mechanical Repairs, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We are committed to providing personalized service and support to each and every one of our customers, and will work with you to ensure that your LPG needs are met.

    Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing on all of our LPG services, ensuring that you get the best possible value for your money.

    Overall, if you are looking for a local LPG service or repair centre, you can trust David’s Mechanical Repairs to provide the expertise, quality, and customer service that you need. Contact us today to learn more about our LPG services and how we can help you keep your vehicle or equipment running smoothly and efficiently.